3iVE Transparent House_4

The design of a house is a process that begins with a specific place on earth. Your site. It has a longitude and lattitude. It has a specific set of features and conditions, trees, views, neighbors, light. It has a unique system of access and entry that, if considered, will dramatically affect the placement, orientation, and arrangement of spaces. As such each 3iVE House begins with a specific site and is carefully designed and crafted with the belief that every place on earth has its own fingerprint, its own energy, its own personality.

And we are concerned about the people that will live in our houses, and as such care deeply about such things as light, privacy, creating spaces conducive to a purpose: A place to gather. A place to cook. And eat. A place to rest.

A place to thrive

21 Edith 3IVE HOUSE Rendering

For more information on 3iVE House contact 3iVE at info@3ive.com or call us at 617 625 3483.

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Somerville Addition
Davis Square Exterior
3iVE 106 Interior Furnished
Davis Square Interior
Folly Hill Water Color Rendering
Club House in Beverly MA
Entrance Option 1